Tripped over a thought!

I tripped over a thought that ran through my head, of a feeling that I could not shake, that life had to be more than just the 1st take.. Took the route to happiness & followed my dreams, with my head held high & standing tall in the screams, that filled my wild head.. but at the end.. I tripped over a thought and quietly … Continue reading Tripped over a thought!


Life seemed tough with rocky roads ahead,  Dark clouds of doubt hovering all around, Storm of helplessness kept us on shaky grounds,  Snow flakes of terror made our hearts grow cold,  Oceans of sorrow drowned all rays of hope.  I thought & reasoned; then I prayed!  And all it took was a little prayer… It all changed like a passing cloud,  What worthless time I … Continue reading Prayer!

It’s not about you~ Special Place in a Special Space!

Quite often life decisions made by others end up hurting us. We may feel unimportant, foolish or even betrayed. We conclude that the person who we had given a ‘special place’ in our heart & life does not care about us or is not our well-wisher. If we actually think about it, our beliefs, our preferences are being challenged, what we stand for that is not … Continue reading It’s not about you~ Special Place in a Special Space!

Mesmerizing Motherhood! 

Mesmerizing Motherhood! I have two wonderful daughters, Each with their own story to tell, Had planned for a smooth motherhood (what was I thinking!)  But they took me under their spell. Now I come with superhero valor bearing a heart that melts to bits, Sure to have at least three sets of eyes & stretchy hands that grow to fit. I have enchanted ears that pick … Continue reading Mesmerizing Motherhood! 

Every person has a Universe in him, of which he is the Center.

Originally posted on Kwritersoul:
How many times have we looked at someone and passed a negative judgement about them in our heads or have let others bad experiences, talks, emotions, influence our impressions about someone.. couple of 100 times may be.. we all have been guilty of this at some given point in time, regardless of the authenticity of our source of information. Doubt comes… Continue reading Every person has a Universe in him, of which he is the Center.